Starting Out

Pasta comes in many forms and shapes, sizes, and textures.  It can be intimidating trying to work with pasta, but hopefully by then end of this you will have the basic understanding of what to do.  Most of the featured pastas come from a dough that I picked up in a restaurant that I work at.  I enjoyed the dough because it was delicate enough to the bite, but still had a great gluten structure when making stuffed pastas.
However, the most basic and simplistic recipe for a pasta dough is:
1 egg
1 cup of flour
That's all the essential ingredients that one needs to make a pasta dough.  So imagine, when you think that you don't have anything to eat for dinner, look again because most pantries have these items at all times.  The biggest challenge is what to do with the dough once you have it.  Well, make sure that you have a pasta machine, because from my personal experience, rolling out pasta by had will discourage you from attempting to make for years!

Pasta Machine
The pasta machine I have ran me about $28.  I have a small machine that clamps to the kitchen counter.  It is very inexpensive and extremely easy to use.  The machine comes with an attachment for linguine and angle hair also.
With just the machine, anyone can have fresh pasta all the time.

Coming next will be the basics to making pasta.

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